A building does not comply with the law. When the owner will have to demolish it

Arbitrazhnaya praktika, No.1, 2018

Source language:ru

Corporate lawyer, No.12, 2016

Source language:ru
Cadastral value of the real estate. How to work under the new rules

Corporate lawyer, No.11, 2017

Source language:ru
Calculating the interest according to Art. 395 of the Civil Code

Legal Insight No.2 (28) 2014

Source language:ru
Commercial real estate: Russian chapter

Global Legal Insights Guide, 2015

Source language:en
Commercial real estate: Russian chapter in GLI’s guide

Global Legal Insights Guide, 2017

Source language:en
Conversion of depositary receipts for shares of Russian companies

Source language:de
Court order and compulsory claim procedure: novelties of the APC RF come into force from 1 June 2016

The Bulletin of Fuel and Energy Complex, Legal issues. No.4(237)

Source language:ru
Forced conversion of the depository receipts: current Russian courts practice

Source language:en
Forced liquidation of a LLC and non-public JSC upon the application of the participant (sub. 5 par. 3 art. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation): Russian and foreign experience

Corporate Law in Anticipation of Changes: Collection of Articles for the 20th Anniversary of the Federal Law on LLC / Publ.editor A.A. Kuznetsov. – Moscow: Statut, 2020

Source language:ru
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