GAZPROM notice dated 27 May 2024

Our clients now receive the standard informational notice from GAZPROM. Reference No. 927559, type INFO, ISIN RU0007661625.

The notice concerns a general meeting of the shareholders that will take place on 28 June 2024 with the following agenda:

  1. Approval of the Company's annual report.
  2. Approval of the Company's annual accounting (financial) statements.
  3. Approval of the Company's profit distribution based on the results of 2023.
  4. On the amount of dividends, terms and form of their payment based on the results of 2023 and setting the date on which the persons entitled to receive dividends are determined.
  5. Appointment of the Company's auditing organisation.
  6. Payment of remuneration for service on the Board of Directors to members of the Board of Directors who are not government officials in the amount established by the Company's internal documents.
  7. Payment of remuneration for service on the Audit Commission to members of the Audit Commission who are not civil servants in the amount stipulated by the Company's internal documents.
  8. Election of members of the Internal Audit Commission of the Company.

Unfortunately, GAZPROM is not planning to distribute dividends this time based on the recommendation of the Board of Directors dated 23 May 2024.